An appointment diary is a private document in which you document daily activities, events, observations and appointments you want to remember. A diary acts as a plan or memory aid since it allows us to document important activities we want to honor.
A diary must have the following;
A title
The title of the diary refers to the heading given to the diary. It depends on the purpose one has. It can be highlighted in the question provided.
For Instance,
A Trip to Kirinyaga’s Diary.
Day and Date
This is the day and date when the diary is recorded. Remember to use the right format.
For example,
Monday, 5th April 2021.
The name of the month should always be written in full.
It refers to a specific time when the specific activities were recorded.
It is advisable to indicate the venue even if it is very far away from your usual environment.
Note that the diary should be written in either past tense or future tense, this is because the events described in the diary have not taken place yet, therefore, students should avoid writing the activities in the present continuous tense. Keeping a diary helps one be organized, making it easier to remember appointments and engagements, thus helping one plan their time well.
Further Example
Kimenju’s Diary
Practice Exercise
1. Design a one-day appointment diary and make entries of activities carried out and their venue.
2.Prepare an appointment diary making entries of at least three important activities during the school term.