Episode 1: The Guests of the Seamount Hotel

 Summary (Page 1-2)

 At the beginning of the novel, four mysterious guests are described as they check into the Seamount Hotel in Banjul, Gambia. They had never met each other before, and they were all given rooms on various levels and in different wings of the building.

A cover page of Fathers of Nation by Paul B. Vitta

The first to register is Professor Karanja Kimani of the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Nairobi in Kenya. He is thought to be around sixty years old. At the hotel's reception, he fills out and signs a registration card before being assigned a room on the fourth floor of the hotel's East wing.Ngobile Melusi, a Zimbabwean comrade and citizen, is next to sign in. He is aged about seventy, and his occupation is unknown, as he indicates in the card on the occupation area, ‘Not Applicable’. He is assigned to the fifth floor of the south wing. 
Chineke Chiamaka is the hotel's third guest to check in. He is described as a younger man, maybe fifty years old. He is large and flabby, and he works as a preacher at the Church Inside Africa, or CIA, in Lagos, Nigeria. He took a room on the west wing's sixth floor. 
The last person to arrive is Seif Tahir, an engineer who previously worked for the Libyan Ministry of Defence in Tripoli. He is said to be forty-plus years old and described as having motion powered by rebellion. He is assigned to the third floor of the North Wing.


Stylistic Devices,Themes and Character & Characterization

The episode begins with a descriptive description of four visitors checking in at the Seamount Hotel in Banjul, Gambia.
 Professor Kimani, the first to arrive, was characterized as.  aged about sixty years. His hairline had retreated all the way back to his crown. He had a strange habit of smirking his lips as he talked, appearing to shape each word first and to add the voice to it only after.’ Pg 1

Second, Ngobile Melusi is alleged to be jobless. ‘…aged about seventy. He had a bushy moustache, which, in moments of speech, wriggled over his mouth like a month fighting to free its wings, then flew away.’ Pg. 1
Pastor Chiamaka Chineke, on the other hand, is described as looking like a failed sumo wrestler. However, this feature is not evident now. There is something about his eyes…. when he laughed. Pg 2.
Finally, Seif Tahir is stated to have a motion powered by rebellion, ‘His walk seemed…by rebellion.’ Pg 2. Through a hypothetical question, he is further portrayed as a protester. ‘Was it a gesture of protest someone or something?’ Pg 2.

The author employs simile a figure speech to bloom his language and communicate better since it makes the reader create a mental picture of what is described.  ‘Chiamaka is said look like a failed sumo wrestler.’Pg1. Another instance of imagery comes out in Professor Kimani His hair is described. ‘His hairline had retreated all the way back to his crown.’  pg 1 Personification is used to personify that his hair is retreating. Suspense is also evident, as readers are left with many questions about these four guests, prompting them to keep reading to find out the answers.

Read about how symbolism and irony are used in Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House Here.


Episode 2: The Instructional Call

Summary (Page 2-4)

Professor Kimani had hardly been in his room for about an hour when he received a phone call. He hesitates to talk after picking up to find out who is calling. A man identifies himself as a guide from the African Governance and Development Agency, or AGDA. Professor Kimani can tell the guide is Nigerian and educated. The guide is reportedly calling to find out if Professor Kimani received the briefcase he had left in his room for him. The guide then gives him the key combination to access the contents of the briefcase and directs the professor to confirm that all of the contents are intact, as indicated on the paperwork inside the suitcase. He asks how long it will take the professor to get to know what's in the suitcase. Before Professor Kimani can answer, the guide says that an hour is enough. When Professor Kimani insists on knowing the guide's name, he hangs up the phone. The call is made to Comrade Melusi, Pastor Chiamaka, and Engineer Tahir in that order, with each person receiving the same set of instructions.


Stylistic Devices,Themes and Character & Characterization

The episode focuses on the instructions given by the AGDA guide. The only thing we know about the guide at this moment is that he is Nigerian. We also learn from his phone chat with Professor Kimani that he is temperamental, hot-tempered, or short-tempered due to his tendency to become agitated quickly. ‘Hey, I heard you pick up, said the voice, already irritated.’’ Pg 2. He also comes off as an assuring, convincing, and persuasive guy because of the manner in which he assures Professor Kimani that he will do everything possible to ensure the success of his mission in Banjul. ‘Now, before you go worrying about that arrangement, let me assure you that I’ll do everything I can to make your mission here a success. You have my word.’ Pg 3 Professor Kimani can tell the guide is educated because of his immaculate grammar. ‘Nigerian! Professor Kimani guessed from the man’s tendency to inject anger into every stressed syllable. Educated Nigerian! He added this qualification after considering the man’s impeccable grammar.’’ Pg 3. The guide is also portrayed as authoritative; he commands Professor Kimani by proposing that he obey him, and he expects him to do so. 'Professor Kimani, that was an order.’ Pg 3. He also does not offer Professor Kimani the opportunity to decide how much time he needs to familiarize himself with the contents of the briefcase, instead giving him an hour, portraying the guide as not just authoritative but also impatient. ‘…Professor Kimani, how much time will you need to acquaint yourself with the material in your briefcase-one hour? He did not wait for an answer. ‘One hour it is then, Goodnight.’ Pg 4. Finally, the guide is characterized as demanding because he does not ask Professor Kimani to follow his instructions but rather demands as a manner of exerting his authority. ‘…it gave the rest of its demand…obey …’ pg. 3 Professor Kimani, on the other hand, is the polar opposite of the guide. Even when the guide provokes him and expects him to object, he remains composed and is not troubled by the guide's authoritarian demeanor. 'The voice paused, expecting protest from Professor Kimani. When none came, it gave the rest of its demand. ‘’Obey, Professor Kimani, obey.’’  Still, Professor Kimani did not protest. Pg 3. The professor is insistent, persistent, or vehement about getting the caller's name. ‘I asked for your name. Who are you?’ pg. 4 This also depicts the professor as inquisitive. The professor is also cautious or keen, and this is coming up in the instance where he picks up the phone call but hesitates to talk, maybe to be sure who was on the line. ‘Is that Professor Kimani…Hey, I heard you pick up.’’ pg. 2 

The telephone conversation between the caller or guide and Professor Kimani serves as an example of the author's use of dialogue and direct speech throughout this episode. There is also simile, a figure of speech  such as simile, which compares the African night to a thick downpour of ink. ‘…like a heavy rain of ink…’ pg. 2 The many unanswered questions concerning the guide add to the suspense that began in episode one.

 A theme of secrecy emerges in this episode, with the guide, in particular, refusing to reveal his identity is built by the guide.


Episode 3: The Botched Interview

Summary (Page 4-10)

While walking, Dr. Afolabi hears someone shout his name and looks around to find out who it is. Ms. Fiona McKenzie, a lady dressed in a blouse, black skirt, and red high heels, introduces herself. She works for the Gambian News and takes a few minutes to explain how she obtained her name. MacKenzie, who is an orphan, was adopted by Ian and Elspeth McKenzie, Scottish missionaries who were in Banjul, Guinea, at the time but have since returned to Edinburgh. Ms. Fiona McKenzie proceeds to question Dr. Afolabi after obtaining permission to record the interview. We discover from this interview that Dr. Afolabi studied at Harvard University in the United States of America but currently teaches at the University of Ibadan in Lagos, Nigeria. He also wrote a book called Failure of States. Ms. Fiona McKenzie claims that she went specifically to the Seamount Hotel to talk to Dr. Afolabi after learning that he was staying there. Ms. Fiona McKenzie inquires as to what the heart of the debate will be. Dr. Afolabi informs her that the heads of state would be debating a document called Way Omega, which was written by twenty Nobel laureates who had discovered a means to build Africa. Africa's planning ministers loved the publication (Way Omega), and now it's time for Africa's rulers of state, who are in Banjul, Gambia, to endorse it as a shared development strategy for all of Africa.

When asked about his expectations for the summit, Dr. Afolabi believes that if Way Omega is implemented, it will drastically transform African politics, stating that there will be no more military coups, crooked elections, foul play, or civil wars. 
Ms. Fiona McKenzie is convinced that not all African presidents would adopt Way Omega since not all of them are fair players and some have risen to power through military coups or fraudulent elections. A charge that Dr. Afolabi dismisses by asserting firmly that the opponents will not fight as hard to win. Ms. Fiona McKenzie inquires further about what makes Dr. Afolabi now hopeful about Africa while he was negative in his book Failure of States; she wonders if the change of heart is due to the content of Way Omega or the writers' prestige. This causes friction between Ms. Fiona McKenzie and Dr. Afolabi, who dislikes her right away and labels her as one of those fire eaters who confuse journalism with poor manners. Dr. Afolabi appeared to have underestimated Ms. Fiona McKenzie as a lamb, but she proves him wrong by hitting below the belt with that query, and he now regards her as a lioness and a danger. 
Ms. Fiona McKenzie requests that Dr. Afolabi explain why he is attending the conference, even though the views in his book suggest unequivocally that he does not support the discussion that will take place at the summit. An assertion that Dr. Afolabi refutes by noting that the presidents wanted him there and that he did not bring himself. The presidents acknowledged the value of his book and wanted him to attend the summit as an advisor to reassure them that Way Omega agrees with his book. Dr. Afolabi learns that he is being very defensive and tells Ms. Fiona McKenzie that he does not need to justify himself in front of anyone, least of all Ms. Fiona McKenzie, whom he considers a third-rate reporter. Ms. Fiona McKenzie's interview is cut short when she receives a phone call from her boss, who urgently requires her back in the office. When she asks if she can meet Dr. Afolabi again, he declines and suggests that Ms. Fiona McKenzie read his book rather than just the cover.


Stylistic Devices,Themes and Character & Characterization

This episode focuses on Ms. Fiona McKenzie's interview with Dr. Afolabi, which gives some insight into who Dr. Afolabi is. He is characterized as a hot-tempered or temperamental character. ‘…suppressing hot anger.’ Pg. 10. A trait similar to that of AGDA's anonymous guide. He is also Nigerian and an intellectual. ‘You studied at Harvard University in the USA. Now you teach at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria.’ Pg.6 A further prevalent trait that Professor Kimani was able to pick up from the phone call with the guide.

Dr. Afolabi is also revealed to be dishonest since in his book (Failure of States), he comes across as a pessimistic individual, yet Ms Fiona McKenzie can detect that he sounds upbeat. When she brings out this a conflict ensues. The double standard portrayed by Dr. Afolabi leads us to start thinking maybe he is our anonymous caller identifying himself as the guide. The fact that he is also staying at the Seamount Hotels strengthens this case.

Ms McKenzie, on the other hand, is portrayed to be humorous, telling Dr Afolabi to go take a photo because he is young for his 45 years. ‘ Go have your picture taken right now, Dr Afolabi. You won’t always look this good. I am joking. Go’ pg 6. She is very polite and gracious as she thanks Dr. Afolabi for agreeing to an interview. ‘ First, let me thank you for agreeing to sit for this interview.’ Pg 5. She is also abusive when she calls her boss silly, who calls her in the middle of her interview with Dr. Afolabi and wants her back to the office urgently. The Silly boss wants me back at the office.’’ Pg 10 Ms. McKenzie is also an amiable person who does not lose her cool when Dr. Afolabi makes disrespectful remarks at her.

On the other hand, the writer employs various stylistic features to hammer home his message, the most prominent of which is the dialogue in this episode. The entire episode is based around a conversation between Ms. McKenzie and Dr. Afolabi, and it is via this exchange that the writer can expand on the character traits and themes outlined above. There are also instances of vivid description, which allows the reader to comprehend what the writer is talking about. ‘ She was wearing a scarlet blouse, a black skirt, and red high heels.’ Pg4 A smile is another example of a figure of speech. Her eyes were wide like a pair of moons.’ Pg. 5 metaphor: another figure of speech comes out when Dr. Afolabi changes his view about Ms. McKenzie. ‘He had seen a lamb: vulnerable. Now he saw a lioness: Dangerous." Pg 9. Ms. McKenzie has been compared to a lamb and a lioness. The author also employs ellipsis as a stylistic element. Dr. Afolabi, you haven’t answered my…’ page 9 Since he continually interrupts Ms. McKenzie while she is trying to communicate with him, this manner contributes to Dr. Afolabi's uncivil behavior. Way Omega is used symbolically to represent the old regime, which needs to be fought and changed.

Also, there is the use of rhetorical questions, which is a style that helps the reader ponder what is asked since there are no responses provided. ‘ What joy do you get out of being rude to those you interview? , ‘What did I do that offended you?’ pg 9. The use of idiomatic expressions is a stylistic feature that is also used in the episode. ‘…fight tooth and nail…’ pg 8
Finally, as hinted at throughout the episode, bad leadership is a dominant problem that Way Omega seeks to address. ‘ …no more military coups; no more rigged elections; ;no more foul play…’ pg 7

Summary (pages 10-15)

Episode 4. What it Takes to Host National Fathers

Details on how to host the forty-nine heads of state attending the Banjul summit are provided in this episode. The presidents are said to be relieved because they have evaded troublemakers in their home nations. They're all aiming to get as much rest as possible. Even though the presidents are glad to be out of trouble in their own countries, for Gambians, their presence is not fun but a huge hassle. Even though the press is good, it comes at a huge cost.

For example, in the Gambia and most of Africa, the cost is so great that, in preparation for the arrival of dignitaries, bulldozers would be sent out at night as part of a slum clearing program to demolish roadside kiosks, causing communities to lose their only means of subsistence. This is done to make pavement for visiting dignitaries. At times of high traffic, roads are also layered with tarmac, causing people to wait longer. Checkpoints proliferate everywhere, giving guards more opportunities to demand payments from passing motorists and passers-by. When the dignitary finally arrives, the water taps that the entire neighborhood had queued for with merely a bucket dry up since all the water has been transferred to the new fountain erected to enchant the visitors.

The Ministry of Internal Security and the Ministry of Defense are working together to prevent a disaster from occurring for the dignitaries' safety. At the Banjul summit, it was determined that all forty-nine heads of state, including the host, would remain at the Pinnacle Hotel, making it easier for the police to keep them secure. For example, the police were tasked with investigating suspicions of any intentions to storm the Pinnacle and injure its new guests. The army, on the other hand, was entrusted with engaging in combat with any unauthorized person who attempted to approach the Pinnacle Hotel. In their wisdom, the army surrounded the Pinnacle with a perimeter fence, sending thousands of soldiers. As if that wasn't enough, they also stationed a hundred commandos within the fence, all of whom were heavily armed.

The Banjul officials' final crucial consideration was to extend due respect to each head of state, often known as 'protocol'. This responsibility went to the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. On paper, the assignment appears simple, but there is a lot at stake to guarantee that everything goes smoothly. After considering all of their options, guests were assigned seats based on the initial alphabetical letters of their country's name. They disregarded all rumors about which countries conflict with which, just as the United Nations does. In addition, the delegation was assigned an equal number of accommodations at the Pinnacle, i.e., four rooms for each delegation.


Stylistic Devices,Themes and Character & Characterization

The author satirizes African states' bad leadership by emphasizing the exorbitant price the regular people must pay when they host their leaders. The host government demonstrates poor leadership when it demolishes the source of livelihood for its residents to build walkways and divert water, which is insufficient for the fountains created to captivate visitors. ‘ When the dignitaries finally arrive, the water taps at which the whole neighborhood queues to get just a bucket of water dry up, because now all water has to go to new fountains built to mesmerize the visitors.’ Pg 11. This only demonstrates skewed priorities and the failure of elected officials to put their constituents' interests first. Corruption as a vice that bedevils African states is also depicted in this part, with checkpoints popping up to provide more bases for guards to demand money from passers-by. ‘ Checkpoints sprout everywhere. This way, guards get even more bases for extorting bribes from passers-by.’ Pg 11. All of these steps are put in place to make the dignitaries feel at ease, yet the writer implies that they are delighted to be away from troublemakers in their home nation, which is situational irony. It is also ironic that the leaders regard this summit as a vacation, even though they are expected to address vital matters that will aid in the resolution of African challenges. 
The African leaders are characterized as hypocrites who seem to work for the interests of Africa and the countries they represent while doing the opposite by not taking the summit seriously. ‘ Of course, at some point they would each take the floor and, as fans back home expected, address the summit, but this was something they could do with little or no effort at all.’ Pg 10 
On the other hand, in this section, the author employs a variety of approaches to hammer home the point, such as rhetorical questions that require the reader to think about the inquiry and, as a result, become immersed in the story. ‘ All looked happy; why not? Had they not escaped from troublemakers in their home countries? Pg 10

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