How to Write an Internal Memorandum -->

How to Write an Internal Memorandum

How to Write an Internal Memorandum

A memorandum (plural: memoranda) is a formal communication between members of the same organization. It is often referred to as "loose minutes."

A specific individual or a group of people write loose minutes to attract attention to something that needs to be understood or handled within a company. Memos should be straightforward, succinct, and written in formal language. Because memos are intended for groups of workers, specific departments, or all employees, they are usually written by senior executives for their juniors.

A student writing on her notepad in class

As a result, they are put on public notice boards or other designated sites, such as the institution's internal social media platform.

Uses of the Memorandum

 The major aims of a memo are to Inform readers about specific topics.

  • Prompt someone to accomplish something by having an effect on others.
  • Warn employees about potential violations of institution norms;
  •  Handle staff welfare issues such as marriages, etc.


Internal Memorandum Format

Most businesses have their own way of producing internal memos. Some, for example, have a one-of-a-kind framework adapted to their institution that requires simply filling in the blanks. In the absence of such a form, a memo should include the following sound areas:

a. The Title

The name of the institution or organization, as well as the phrase INTERNAL MEMO, are all written in capital letters.

b. The date

This is the date the memo was written. We must use standard English formatting, such as May 14th, 2025.

c. Reference number

It specifies the number assigned to a specific memo. It may contain alphabets and numerals.

For example, ref. no. KGS/23/2022

d. To

This is where the name(s) of the memo's recipient(s) are shown.

e. From 

Here, the name, title, or position of the memo's author is noted.

f. Cc (Copy To)

It implies the name and position of any person who desires to know about this communication. These are the people who will receive a copy of the memo.

g. Subject 

This is a phrase that describes the topic of the message. In a few words, it summarizes the memo.

h. Body

This section consists of no more than three paragraphs that describe the information as clearly and briefly as possible.

i. Closing Tag

The closing tag contains the writer's signature and name, indicating the end of the memo.

Memos are an effective means of communication; therefore, composing them requires thorough thought to determine the shape they will take. Memos are also forms of official communication.

As a result, depending on the subject matter, one must utilize official language and an appropriate register.




Nurturing Excellence


Ref. No.: KGHS/003/2021

To: All-Club Officials

Cc: The Principal, Chairperson, Debating Club

        The Deputy Principal 

Date: September 24, 2025.



This is a reminder that the debating club will host a debate session in the school dining hall on Saturday, September 31st, 2025, beginning at 2.30 p.m.

Please do not book any dining hall activities on the mentioned dates and times.

Thank you ahead of time.



Hellen Maina 

Debating Club Secretary


Practice Exercise

1. Imagine you are in charge of examinations in your school. Write an internal memo to teachers telling them of the deadline for submitting examinations for typing, the start date of the exam, the desired quality of the exam, serious and thorough invigilation, how to deal with exam malpractice by candidates, and marking and preparing report forms. The internal memo should be forwarded to the County examination coordinator, Mathioya.




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