Telephone Etiquette -->

Telephone Etiquette


Etiquette in Telephone Conversation

Lesson Objective

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

a)    Understand what telephone etiquette entails

b)    Use polite language in telephone conversation.

c)     Identify the right steps/guidelines to be followed when either receiving or making a call.

Two ladies making telephone call


When carrying out a conversation, we ought to behave politely and properly. The same principle is applied when carrying out a telephone conversation.


Etiquette is defined as the socially acceptable way that one is supposed to show in given society, or among members of a certain profession. It can also be defined as behaving in a socially acceptable manner or observing good manners.

Telephone Etiquette on the other hand therefore, refers to the socially acceptable way a person is supposed to adhere to when making or receiving a telephone call.

Telephone calls in most common instances relies on voice; this implies that in most cases the person on the other end of line is judged based on what they say and how they say it. It is therefore, important to give a good impression of yourself from the beginning when making or receiving a call. This can be accomplished by being courteous, helpful, business like and brief. One is also expected to always use polite words such as could you, May I, I’d like to, would you and please.

Just like letter writing, telephone calls are made or received at different levels of formality.

Guidelines for Good Telephone Etiquette when Receiving or Making a Call

When making or receiving a call the following guidelines are expected to be adhered to:

1.     Answer the call by the second or third ring.

2.     Greet the caller warmly in order to establish good rapport.


For Example

Caller                                                                              Receiver

Hello or Hi ( informal situation)                         Hello or Hi

Good Morning/Afternoon… (formal)                    Good Morning…


3.     Identify yourself either using your name, name of the company, or organisation.


For Instance

Caller                                                                             Receiver

This is Kalmin. Who am I speaking to?             My name is Jaimes.

May I speak to Anne                                              Anne speaking.


Note that it is considered impolite in English to include the titles Mr., Mrs, Ms, Miss when identifying yourself. However, stating your professional qualification such as professor, doctor is acceptable.


4.     Ask the caller how you can or may be of assistance to him/her.


For Example

How can I help you?

How may I be of help to you?


5.     If the call is on behalf of another person, request the caller to leave a message clearly and politely request the caller to clarify any information that is not clear or scanty.


For Instance

I am sorry the principal/manager/Director is not in at the moment. Could I take a message?


The Director is on another call /line would you like to hold on?


It is termed rude to ask the caller.

What do you want?

Who are you?

6.     Speak politely, clearly and with genuine concern. Remember to use the courteous words like please, thank you, and sorry appropriately.

7.     Thank the caller before you bid him/her goodbye.


For Instance.

Thank you for your time

Thank you

Thank you I shall call again.

8.     Do not bang the receiver even if, the caller is rude. Always maintain a pleasant countenance.

What to avoid doing when speaking on the phone.

 Impolite language, for instance, who are you? What do you want? My name is Mr/Ms/Miss…

 Rude interruptions, that is failing to observe turn taking correctly.

 Divided attention or not paying attention to the call or caller.

 Impatience, getting irritated easily.

Avoid name calling.

Avoid being sarcastic in your telephone conversations.




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