Imaginative writing, also known as creative writing, requires someone to think and come up with an original story. A good story provides clear details so that the reader re-lives the experiences as they read it.
The events in the imaginative essay are not real but imagined. Such writing is referred to as fictional which means that the content is not real but out of sheer imagination. This writing requires someone to think and come up with an original story that supports moral uprightness and respect for universal human values. This is what the examiner will judge and question whether the writer can imagine or only writes what they are seeing. In spite of the fact that the written story is not true, it should be convincing to the reader.
There are numerous topics a writer can choose from ranging from technology, medicine, emerging issues, politics, sports, etc. These topics are important since they determine the kind of language a writer will use, that is technical, literal, or both. There are, however, important aspects of writing that a writer can incorporate in their creative composition in order to make it interesting and measure up as creative work.
To begin with, a good creative writer should consider their purpose/reason for writing. Before embarking on the journey of writing down their story the writer needs to ask why they want to write. Is it, for instance, to educate, to inform, or the work aims to entertain? These questions are important since when answered they form the basis for why the creative essay is written. Note that in most cases, imaginative writing is written with the aim of entertaining but in some cases, it may contain themes that are meant to inform/educate their readers.
Secondly, before beginning to write your composition, one should have the subject of their writing at their fingertips. Let’s take, for example, if you want to write about basketball, you must have certain facts on your topics and common terms used in regard to it. This, therefore, implies that before writing we need to be comfortable with the topic we want to talk about and a little research in your area of interest won’t break a bone, A creative writing composition that displays good mastery of the topic is not only interesting to read but it is also a mark of creativity married with research.
The next aspect to consider in creative writing is the setting. Setting refers to the time, place, weather, and general atmosphere within which your story takes place. The description of the setting should be natural in relying on the five senses of sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste. When the setting is referring to the time it can be any time of the day, morning, afternoon, night, pre-colonial, colonial, etc. On the other hand, the place can also refer to any location the events in the imagination composition occur, it ranges from marketplace, house, school, hospital, etc. In order to effectively bring out the setting in your writing, your essay should clearly answer the question where? For instance, where does your story take place?
In addition, the plot is another crucial aspect of imaginative composition that one should take time to think about carefully before writing. Plot refers to the storyline that sets out logical order in which the events will follow, it has a beginning, middle, and an ending. At the beginning/exposition of the imaginative composition it introduces the characters and conflict to the reader, here, the conflict is initiated and enhanced through the interaction of characters and situations, and it keeps on progressing as the story goes on. The middle part of the story shows the continuation and it entails the main body of the story written. The conflict in this stage has grown to a crisis or moment of tension within the story. It also brings out the realization in the story, that is, the feeling of pity and fear which marks the turning point of the story or discovery. It is also in the middle part of the plot where the main characters learn either how to deal with the crisis in the story or how not to go about it. Lastly, the conclusion, which is the last part of the plot, signals the end of the composition. It shows how the conflict in the story is amicably solved and there is either reward for virtues exhibited and punishment for the vices brought out in the story. The creative essay writer needs to decide what will happen at the beginning, middle, and end of their story so that the order of events is logical. However, sometimes the events may not follow the chronological order especially when the writer decides to use flashback and flashforward as a style in their writing.
The sixth important aspect to consider when planning one’s creative composition is the themes. The theme in literature refers to the main idea(s) that the writer wishes to share with their readers. The theme in the story should relate to the setting and the plot. It is through the development of themes in any creative writing that readers are able to identify virtues to be emulated and vices to be shunned in this essay. Themes are important since they will also help in bringing out the moral lesson in the creative writing composition. In order to bring themes out clearly in creative writing, the writer should provide a conducive environment for that theme. Let's say your message is corruption, when writing a story about corruption the favourable environment in the story is created by providing hints such as giving name(s) or description of the character(s) that suggest or reinforce your message.
The last factor one should consider when writing a creative writing essay is style. Styles entail how one makes use of language freely and creatively to express their ideas. The style may vary from one person to another and depending on the purpose of writing. The following are the common styles one can use to spice their creative writing composition; vivid description, similes, metaphors, personification, which aid to create a mental picture of what is described. The dialogue helps to break the monotony of narration and helps to develop character traits.
Ideas that can make your creative writing score good marks.
The following merit able items when employed correctly can will enable the writer to earn good marks in creative writing question:
Correct use of suitable proverbs. If used correctly, proverbs enable the composition to score higher marks while the opposite has dire consequences also.
The use of up-to-date idioms and phrasal verbs. When used correctly these will earn student merit marks which translate to good marks.
Use of captivating descriptive words which appeal to the five senses.
The ability to talk about modern issues in their composition will work in the writer’s favour.
Being original is another important aspect of good composition, in creative writing writers should avoid reproducing ideas borrowed from other sources, it outrightly implies that the writer is not creative.
Another crucial meritable item to consider in a creative writing essay is varying sentences. Writers are encouraged to vary their sentences in their work, sentences such as simple, compound, complex, rhetorical sentences, etc will work to their advantage.
The use of styles like dialogue, suspense, vivid description will attract good marks if effectively employed.
Most importantly your story should have a moral lesson. The vices will be punished and virtues rewarded at the end.