Summary of An Artist of the Floating World
The tale opens in an unidentified Japanese city in October 1948. Masuji Ono, the narrator, is a retired artist who lost both his son and wife during the war, which also did significant damage to his magnificent home. Ono recalls the visit of his eldest daughter Setsuko and her son Ichiro, who live in a separate town, the previous month. The entire family is anxious about Ono's younger daughter Noriko's marriage prospects because, a year before, Noriko was in marriage discussions with a man called Jiro Miyake when his family withdrew from negotiations under suspicious circumstances. Noriko is currently in new marriage negotiations with a man named Taro Saito, but at almost twenty-six, she is considered too old to be unmarried. Ono is irritated because he believes his daughters believe he knows why the marriage discussions went down and is keeping it from them.
Ichiro is enamoured with a monster movie poster he saw at the train station. Ono intends to take Ichiro to the movies the next day, but his daughter Noriko informs him that she already has arrangements. Setsuko says she'll spend the night with her father the next day, and Ono and Ichiro can go see the monster movie the next day. The next day, Setsuko advises her father to take precautions to prevent specific details about his history from falling into the hands of the Saito family during their investigation of the Ono family background. The next day, Ichiro and Ono go to see a monster movie. On the way, they meet Taro Saito's father, who informs Ono that they have a mutual acquaintance: Mr. Kuroda.
The next batch of Ono's recollections were recorded in November 1949 and revolve around another visit to the family by Setsuko and Ichiro a few months after Noriko marries Taro Saito. During a stroll around Kawabe Park, Setsuko expresses concern to Ono over his comparison to a composer who wrote extremely powerful nationalist songs during the war and just committed suicide to atone for his role in promoting the violence. Ono tries to persuade his daughter that he is not contemplating suicide, but she says things that irritate him. Setsuko claims that he did great work, but it had no influence on anything during the war. Ono notes that the previous year, she seemed to regard his profession as a major problem in Noriko's marriage discussions. Setsuko claims she has no recollection of such a talk. Ono is taken aback and recalls making a statement during the miai in response to her remark. Setsuko claims that Noriko and the Saitos were all perplexed by his declaration. Ono defends his remarks, noting that Dr. Saito was familiar with his wartime work and seemed pleased to hear that his opinion had changed. Setsuko claims that Dr. Saito was not even aware that Ono was an artist.
Later that day, Ono takes his grandson Ichiro on a trip and promises him a sample of sake at dinner that night. Ono tries to persuade Setsuko to let Ichiro try sake at the home of newlyweds Noriko and Taro that night, but Setsuko refuses. During the dinner, the younger generation expressed their satisfaction with the new American-style leadership at their workplaces. After Ichiro goes to bed, Ono tells Taro that it's a shame Dr. Saito and he didn't get to know one another sooner, given that they both worked in the art world and knew each other's reputations. Taro agrees, and Ono looks around to see how Setsuko is reacting, but she doesn't seem to notice. In his narrative of this interaction with Setsuko and his reactions to it, Ono intersperses a range of insights regarding his background. He recalls the day he moved into his house sixteen years ago, when Dr. Saito approached him and expressed his delight at having an artist of his calibre in the neighbourhood. He also reflects on his friendship with the Tortoise, a fellow artist who worked with him at Master Takeda's studio in 1913 or 1914, producing Japanese paintings for export to foreigners. When Ono accepts an invitation to live and study at the famed artist Mori-san's mansion, the Tortoise joins him.
Over the next seven years, Ono embraces Mori-san's painting style and becomes his star pupil. However, in the early 1920s, Ono meets Matsuda, a nationalist art critic, who persuades him to change his artistic course. The Tortoise is outraged by Ono's betrayal of Mori-san's techniques, and Mori-san orders Ono to leave the villa. Ono recalls how satisfying it was when his own career took off while Mori-san's deteriorated. The final series of memories takes place in June 1950. Ono admits that he has learned about Matsuda's death and recalls his previous visit to Matsuda. During this visit, he informs Matsuda that both Noriko and Setsuko are now pregnant, and that it would soon be five years after the loss of his wife Michiko. Matsuda claims they were two regular men who made a minor contribution, while Ono believes Matsuda is proud of his life's work. Ono contrasts himself and Matsuda with the Tortoise and Shintaro, claiming that he and Matsuda may be proud of having bravely attempted to do something ambitious that they believed in, whereas the Tortoise and Shintaro have never attempted to transcend mediocrity.
Ono also describes how the former pleasure district has been replaced with office structures. He sits on a seat outside one of these structures, looking at the eager young office workers, whom he wishes well.